First post on the new blog on the last day of the old year.
I suppose I'll start with the title of the blog: Marvelissalisms.
"Marvelissa" is a moniker bestowed upon me by a dear friend many years ago. It's a play on the words Marvelous and Melissa, and it stuck and it fit and I love it.
So "Marvelissalisms" is a play on Marvelissa and Colloquialism.
In writing, a Colloquialism is "a word or phrase that is not formal or literary, typically one used in ordinary or familiar conversation" (that's the Oxford Dictionary definition). says colloquial expressions "may give us deep insights into the writer’s society. They tell us about how people really talk in their real life... Colloquial expressions impart a sense of realism to a piece of literature which attracts readers as they identify it with their real life."
I wanted to begin blogging again, not to teach lessons, not to ponder theology or politics, not to work out what secrets create the fluffiest meringue or the most savory gravies, not to bask in the glory of Motherhood or to vent about the trials of the same - likely my writing will touch on all of these things and much more along the way - but mostly I want to begin blogging again because writing is good for me. I've gotten too far from it. I specifically want this blog to be a place where I can write about me and my life - the real me living real life - the good, the bad and the ugly - quite possibly even the boring. I won't dress it up. It will most often be entirely ordinary, with no polish and no filter. How deep will the insights into my society be? Well, let's just say the blog will at least give deeper insight into the immediate "world" of Melissa.
Who knows? Maybe someone will stumble across my blog and relate to it. If nothing else, I've got a place to get whatever is in my head and heart out and written down - and in doing so I will examine it as part of the process. That's a good thing in and of itself.
Or, maybe I just need something to do now that the Serial podcast is over.
Either way, Hi! if you're out there somewhere reading this.
What do you think of this background? I would like a room like that. But this is a basic template. I need to give some thought to creating a custom background.